Chakira Johnson
Commissioner District 4
Elected 2024
Re-election 2028
“As a rescue dog parent, it is important to me that we limit breeding activities and increase spay and neutering. The only way to really get a handle on the overpopulation is to ensure there are controls in place.”
Chakira Johnson answers our Commission District 4 Candidate questions for our DeKalb County Runoff election on June 18, 2024. Read answers here!
“As an engineer, I am very familiar with the process of designing and constructing new facilities. The facility that will likely be needed to house the growing population of animals will take a lot of upfront feasibility work. This will ensure that our plans will meet the growing needs. Sourcing the location and hiring the design team and then finally constructing the facility will take a few years to complete. My intention would be to complete this in the first 2 years, however realistically this may push back a year or two.”
“As a rescue dog parent, it is important to me that we limit breeding activities and increase spay and neutering. The only way to really get a handle on the overpopulation is to ensure there are controls in place.”
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“The compensation study will outline what levels the pay for staff should be at and the steps needed to achieve those goals. That will drive the timeline.”
“I like the idea of a program to help homeowners with their fencing and shelter needs. I would like more information on the logistics of this and how the county can provide these services on private property.”
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