Wins for Animals

  • January 2025

    Advocates for DeKalb Animals filed our inaugural amicus brief in a prolonged court case involving two dogs, Coco Bean and Shadow Girl. These dogs have been residing at the back of the shelter for 3 years, sharing a kennel, largely unnoticed, and labeled as Dangerous Animals (DA). Despite the label, staff and volunteers describe them as resilient and spirited. This bonded pair has endured significant hardships with limited attention and prospects for their future. There is compelling evidence to suggest that Coco Bean and Shadow Girl may not be the dogs involved in the attack they were accused of.

    The brief, submitted ahead of their cost of care hearing, successfully influenced the court ruling, bringing Coco Bean and Shadow Girl closer to freedom. The court has rendered a $21,000 cost of care judgment, requiring the owner to decide whether to surrender the dogs or pay the fees if found guilty. Consequently, the shelter will determine their future, with hopes of finding them a loving home.

     We are profoundly grateful for the legal expertise of Tara Borelli, Carl Charles, Amanda Kay Seals, and Bondurant Mixson & Elmore, whose hard work and support made this brief possible. We believe these remarkable dogs deserve a chance at a new life—one where they are loved, cared for, and treated with the kindness they have long been denied. Additionally, we extend our thanks to the County Law Department for filing the cost of care petition and remain hopeful that future cases will be pursued promptly, ensuring no dogs endure extended stays in the shelter.

    Download Amicus Brief here

  • July 2024

    On July 9, the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners approved significant animal-related items requested by Commissioner Michelle Long Spears. The approved budget items include:

    • Adjustments to salaries for animal control officers to ensure competitive compensation and attract skilled personnel.

    • Increasing the number of animal control officers to 25 by 2025 to enhance the county’s capacity to respond promptly to animal control issues.

    • The acquisition of a mobile spay-and-neuter vehicle to provide convenient, place-based access to spay and neuter services for residents.

    Read the full press release here.

  • April - June 2024

    11 of 12 county commission and CEO candidates participated in the AfDA survey about commitment to actions and timelines related animal welfare improvements in DeKalb County. Results of the survey helped inform voters in the 2024 primary elections. DeKalb voters care about animal welfare - homeless, mistreated, and overbred animals. It’s important to voters to understand how DeKalb County candidates will address their concerns. Successful candidates in this election cycle will hold critical decision-making power to effect changes related to the animal crisis.

  • December 2023

    Advocates once again attend Commissioner meetings and urge the commissioners to make the right decision. On December 12, 2023, the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners approved a resolution supporting the DeKalb County Animal Advisory Board's "Plan for a Better Tomorrow" – The Five Common Sense Solutions. Commissioner Michelle Long Spears proposed this resolution. Its approval is a significant stride in solving the underlying issues causing pet overpopulation in our community.

  • November 2023

    DeKalb county votes in favor of the Splost II penny tax, including money for the expansion of DeKalb County Shelter. CEO Thurmond credits the Advocates' efforts, and is quoted saying that the overcrowding at the animal shelter played an important role in the success of the Splost II vote.

  • August 2023

    Unwanted and dumped animals continue to come into the shelter daily. Advocates worked to get money to expand the DeKalb Animal Shelter. Red shirt Advocates showed up at every County meeting for SPLOST II. CEO Michael Thurmond recognizes the importance of animal services as a public safety issue. Animal Services were included the SPLOST II budget for the expansion of the shelter. Animal services was part of the SPLOST II ballot, for DeKalb residents to vote on it in the upcoming November election.

  • July 2023

    Advocates urge the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners to approve a resolution recognizing the importance of DeKalb Animal Services. The resolution shows support for DeKalb citizens, their pets, the expansion of facilities and services, and the prevention of more homeless pets.