Michelle Long Spears

Commissioner District 2


Elected 2022

Re-election 2026

OVERVIEW – Commissioner Michelle Long Spears does not have a profile that reflects her positions on the Five Common Sense Solutions (“the solutions”) similar to the other commissioners for the reason that she was not up for re-election during the time the survey with the questions were put forth.  AfDA is fortunate that Commissioner Spears has been an advocate for animals in our county, a proponent of “the solutions”, a supporter of AfDA initiatives and a sponsor of legislation and other initiatives focused on the solutions.

EXPAND THE SHELTER – Commissioner Spears has consistently urged progress on the installation of the temporary overflow units to alleviate crowding at the shelter.  She continues to track down and break the political logjams that have affected construction.

REGULATE BREEDING – Commissioner Spears along with now CEO Lorraine Cochran Johnson co-sponsored legislation intended to curtail unregulated breeding (backyard breeding).  This legislation is still in the process of being developed.

IMPROVE ENFORCEMENT STAFFING – Commissioner Spears proposed a move of the Animal Control offices to a better location and also to increase the salaries of Animal Control officers.  This department is still understaffed and not well connected in cohesive enforcement to either the County Police Department or the shelter operators.

INCREASE ACCESS TO VET CARE /PROVIDE COMMUNITY RESOURCES – Commissioner Spears initiated a mobile vet clinic, has sponsored hundreds of free spay and neuter services, has worked to increase training of vets in rapid spay and neuter practices, promoted a monthly pet free food giveaway for county residents and has a list of items that she is working on for the near future.  She also implemented Save our DeKalb Animals (SoDA) Animals - Commissioner Long Spears

COURT HELD ANIMALS – Commissioner Spears regularly reports the statistics provided to her by the County Law Department.  She and other Commissioners would like for these statistics to improve but they have little to no influence over the Law Department.

“In my opinion, court-held animals are a major reason for animal overcrowding and is my main concern. My office has been monitoring and working with County Attorneys to find a resolution to quickly disposing cases so that animals can be adopted sooner. Other municipalities have efficient processes, so DeKalb should be able to do so as well.”