Candidate Positions on Addressing DeKalb’s Animal Crisis

Click Candidate Photos to See Individual Results

Click Candidate Photos to See Individual Results

About Candidate Summaries

DeKalb voters care about animal welfare - homeless, mistreated, and overbred animals. It’s important to voters to understand how DeKalb County candidates will address their concerns. Successful candidates in this election cycle will hold critical decision-making power to effect changes related to the animal crisis. 

Advocates for DeKalb Animals (AfDA) sits in a unique position. AfDA is a grassroots nonprofit focused on addressing DeKalb's animal crisis. In preparation for the 2024 election, AfDA asked CEO, Commission, and Judicial candidates to review data and information describing DeKalb's current animal crisis and to identify their positions on policy solutions via a candidate survey. 

The survey (see sample here) includes data from DeKalb County Animal Services, Animal Enforcement, and other county statistics analyzed by AfDA to focus attention on the massive challenges DeKalb pets, their people, and the wider community are currently facing. 

Putting this data in front of these candidates and asking about their level of commitment to specific activities and timelines provides a standardized way to compare candidates on these issues and helps voters make the best choice. 

Candidate response summaries are a function of their expressed level of support (Commitment to Specific Activities) combined with timing priority (Commitment to Timeline). AfDA will continue to use this data to hold successful candidates accountable to and responsible for their commitments through their terms. AfDA does not endorse any candidate. Response summaries are to inform voters on candidate positions regarding animal welfare.